Administration by OS


File path location C:\Program Files (x86)\7signal Solutions, Inc\MobileEyeAgent
Change organization ID ‘Run ‘Notepad’ as Administrator. Open ‘’ file in directory above. Edit the organization name. Restart the service.
Log file name mobile-eye.2020-10-28.log (7 days are saved).
For increased logging, enable ‘debug’ mode by adding the following line to the file:
Stop, start, quit Open ‘Task Manager’, ‘Services’ tab, service name: ‘MobileEyeAgent’. Right-click the service name to view the menu of options.
Version After the device boots up, or when the Mobile Eye service gets restarted, it prints the Mobile Eye software version into the log file. 

Control Panel’, ‘Add or Remove Programs’, program name: ‘MobileEyeAgent’. Also, delete the entire 7signal Solutions, Inc directory.

Or run a PowerShell script like this:

$ME = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object -Property Name -eq -Value "Mobile Eye"
$ME_uninstall = $ME.LocalPackage
msiexec /x $ME_uninstall /qn

Also, delete the entire 7signal Solutions, Inc directory.

You may also go to the Devices page and click the trash can icon to the far right of the device. This will delete the device and all of its data from the system. There is no undo.  It will also uninstall Mobile Eye from the device if it's connected to the cloud and "seen" by 7SIGNAL. Devices that are under license-lock will be deleted after the license-lock expires.

Disable auto-updates

Add the following statement to the file: updates.enabled=false

With PowerShell you can run a script like this:

$filePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\7signal Solutions, Inc\MobileEyeAgent\"
$lineToAdd = "updates.enabled=false"

# Check if the file exists
if (Test-Path $filePath) {
    # Add the line to the file
    Add-content -Path $filePath -Value $lineToAdd -Force
    Write-Host "Line added to $filePath"
} else {
    Write-Host "File not found: $filePath"

Run support utility

When troubleshooting, Support may ask you to run a utility that gathers more detail.  Open Powershell and go to the following directory: 

C:\Program Files (x86)\7signal Solutions, Inc.\mobileeyeagent

Then type, support\get_device_info.ps1

Email the zip file to 7SIGNAL Support.


Log file name mobile-eye.2020-10-28.log (7 days are saved).
For increased logging, enable ‘debug’ mode by adding the following line to the file:
Log file location


Start, Stop, Restart

 /Library/Application\ Support/7signal/

 /Library/Application\ Support/7signal/

 /Library/Application\ Support/7signal/

Version When the Mobile Eye service gets restarted, it prints the Mobile Eye software version into the log file. 

 installer -pkg /Library/Application\ Support/7signal/mobile-eyeq-agent-uninstaller.pkg -target /Library/Application\ Support/7signal/

You may also go to the Devices page and click the trash can icon to the far right of the device. This will delete the device and all of its data from the system. There is no undo.  It will also uninstall Mobile Eye from the device if it's connected to the cloud and "seen" by 7SIGNAL. Devices that are under license-lock will be deleted after the license-lock expires.

Change organization ID Open file in the following directory /Library/Application\ Support/7signal/ and edit the organization. Restart the service. Requires sudo.
Disable auto-updates Add the following statement to the file: updates.enabled=false


Log file name mobile-eye.2020-10-28.log (7 days are saved).
For increased logging, enable ‘debug’ mode by adding the following line to the file:
Log file location


(application files are located at /opt/7signal/MobileEyeAgent)

Stop, start Open Terminal, then run the command systemctl stop mobileeyeagent. Then use the start or restart commands.
Uninstall (RHEL/CentOS) yum remove sevensignal-mobile-eye-agent mobileagentlinux
(Debian/Ubuntu) apt-get purge sevensignal-mobile-eye-agent mobileagentlinux
Change organization ID Open file in the following directory /opt/7signal/MobileEyeAgent/config and edit the organization. Restart the service.
Disable auto-updates Add the following statement to the file: updates.enabled=false


Log file name Not available
Log file location Log files are maintained for 3 days previous to the current day, except for Android TV, where log files are only kept for one day. Each file is roughly 10MB. The total log storage is less than 40MB.
  1. Open the Mobile Eye app
  2. Click 'Share Logs' button at the bottom of the screen
  3. Select the application you want to use to transmit the log files.
  4. Send the log files via email to  and to the 7SIGNAL Engineer requesting the log files.
Stop, start Start/Stop button available through UI. To quit: go to ‘Settings’, ‘Apps’, select ‘7signal’ and ‘Force Stop’
Uninstall Delete the app, or use Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Change organization ID On the app’s start screen, press the ‘gear’ icon in the upper corner, or administer through MDM