On the 'Devices' page
On the Devices page in Mobile Eye, there are some status fields that represent the current state of a device.
Last SSID |
An SSID is a "service set identifier" or the name of a Wi-Fi network. Values for this field include the name of a network that you've defined in the My Networks portion of the Configuration. All other networks will report as Remote Network. If the device is on a restricted network, then this field will be blank. A restricted network is one that is not listed under Configuration > Setup > My Networks, in combination with when you have toggled Configuration > Tests > Test Networks to 'Only My Wi-Fi Networks'. While the 'Ethernet' status appears as the Connection Type on the individual device performance page, it currently does not display on the main Devices page. This will be addressed in a later software release. |
Last Location |
A licensed device will report its last location if access points and locations have been configured. Unrecognized locations will report as blank. Devices on a restricted network (see above) will report as blank. Devices on Ethernet will show the name of the last Wi-Fi network that they were on. However, if the last location was blank due to being on a restricted network, then it will continue to remain blank. |
Last Monitored |
Licensed devices are monitoring, testing and reporting their results to the cloud. Results sent is in the form of a JSON document. The file is approximately 2KB. Results are sent to the cloud every 5 minutes after the device has been licensed. |
Last Seen |
Whether licensed or unlicensed, every 5 minutes, Mobile Eye performs a "health check." This is similar to "pinging the cloud" to ensure that Mobile Eye on the device is functioning and that 7SIGNAL can successfully communicate with it. |
Unknown vs. Remote Location
Unknown Location |
The device is on a condoned network that is listed in the 'My Networks' list. Plus, the device is connected to an access point that has not been mapped to a location (Configuration > Setup > Locations). Simply put: the device is on a known network, but connected to an unknown access point in an unknown location, or a known access point not yet mapped to a known location. While the 'Unknown Location' status appears on the individual device performance page, it currently does not display on the main Devices page. This will be addressed in a later software release. |
Remote Location |
The device is on a network that is not listed in 'My Networks'. This may be referred to as a Remote Network or a Restricted Network. It is a Restricted Network if the system is configured to test 'Only My Wi-Fi Networks'. Additionally, the device is connected to an access point that has not been mapped to a location. Put simply: Unknown network in an unknown location. Likely a "remote worker". While the 'Remote Location' status appears on the individual device performance page, it currently does not display on the main Devices page. This will be addressed in a later software release. |