CentOS 7 is end of life in June of 2024. As a result, 7SIGNAL will no longer support these VM deployments.
We advise you to transition to a Docker® environment and install 7SIGNAL's Sonar as a Docker container. Instructions are below.
For more information on the benefits of Docker, refer to Docker's online documentation: https://docs.docker.com/get-started/
Sonar by 7SIGNAL is a test endpoint for active tests, like Throughput, Packet Loss, and Jitter. It is recommended that you use one of the 7SIGNAL Cloud Sonars provided with the solution. If you choose to install local Sonars, it will require your own IT system and network administrators to install and support a customer installed Sonar. You may also choose to purchase a 7SIGNAL Service package to assist you, contact your 7SIGNAL representative.
Required Ports and Protocols
- UDP 9999
- UDP 50000 to 50300
- TCP 80
Cloud Sonars
7SIGNAL Sonar endpoints in the cloud are available to 7SIGNAL customers only. Depending upon your location in the world, you can select the appropriate Sonar. Below is a list.
FQDN | Location |
east1.sonar.7signal.com | New Jersey, US |
east2.sonar.7signal.com | New York, US |
central1.sonar.7signal.com | Atlanta, US |
midwest1.sonar.7signal.com | Chicago, US |
pacific1.sonar.7signal.com | San Francisco, US |
emea1.sonar.7signal.com | Frankfurt, DE |
emea2.sonar.7signal.com | London, GB |
apac1.sonar.7signal.com | Singapore |
sa.sonar.cloud.com | Sao Paulo, BR |
System Requirements for On-site Sonar
RAM: 8GB minimum, 16GB recommended.
Hard drive space: 30GB minimum, 50GB recommended.
Processor: Minimum Quad-core processor or higher recommended processor
Installing the Sonar Docker® Container on Linux
- We recommend using the Linux Docker container on a Linux machine.
- Use your existing Linux Docker environment, or create one. Follow Docker's system requirements. See Install Docker Desktop on Linux | Docker Docs.
- To install Docker on Red Hat based systems: #sudo yum install docker
- To install Docker on Debian based systems: #sudo apt-get install docker.io
- Type: #docker ps to confirm it started
- To pull the 7SIGNAL Sonar, type: sudo docker run --restart=unless-stopped -d --rm -p 80:80 -p 50000-50300:50000-50300/udp sevensignal/sonar
If you are asked to select an image, choose docker.io/sevensignal/sonar:latest
- Confirm successful start: #docker ps
- Get the server's IP address: #ip address
- Use the IP address to configure a new Sonar in the 7SIGNAL platform
Customize When Running
Environment variables can be passed to the container when running. These will modify the configuration (for that run) for end-user customization:
MAX_CLIENTS - Default: 300 - Configures the maximum number of clients which can concurrently connect to the sonar
MOS_PORT_START - Default: 50000 - Configures the starting port for MOS testing
MOS_PORT_SIZE - Default: 100 - Configures the number of ports that will be allocated. Consider adding 300 ports for larger deployments.
These can be passed as “environment” variables to the container when running:
Run with an alternate port:
docker run -p 8000:80 -p 50000-50100:50000-50100/udp sevensignal/sonar
Run with a higher max client size:
docker run -e MAX_CLIENTS=600 -p 80:80 -p 50000-50100:50000-50100/udp sevensignal/sonar
Run with higher max client size and MOS Ports
docker run -e MAX_CLIENTS=600 -e MOS_PORT_SIZE=600 -p 80:80 -p 50000-50600:50000-50600/udp sevensignal/sonar
Kill a running container:
docker ps (to list containers) and docker kill <container id>