Device & Hardware Teams
Gain insight into connected device performance
Solve the “my device won’t work” conundrum with a window into wireless networking experiences.
Bridging the rift between hardware & networking
One of the biggest questions when troubleshooting connected devices is the need to address whether a user’s issues relate to the network or the hardware. When situations aren’t clear, finding the answer can require significant back-and-forth between teams and blame-shifting, all while end-users wait for a solution and precious time and productivity is lost. With 7SIGNAL, this need not be the case. Thanks to our patented Wi-Fi experience solutions, hardware and networking teams can come together to understand wireless device performance and keep the organization running smoothly.
Why Use 7Signal?
Insight into end-user and device connections
Save time diagnosing user device issues with a complete picture of the wireless experience from 7SIGNAL. Our solutions analyze and report on Wi-Fi network conditions from the outside-in at the device-level, allowing for a definitive picture of connection strength and health. With a window into device performance, it becomes even easier to address and fix user issues.

Remote-work ready
When employees and team members work from home, it can be more difficult to provide the support and troubleshooting they need. As an application for Windows, macOS and Android devices, MobileEye from 7SIGNAL provides insight and control over at-home and remote Wi-Fi experiences, allowing you to assist employees and team members when they need it most.

Fast, easy & secure deployment
MobileEye is a lightweight software client that runs in the background on endpoint devices with no impact on processing performance or battery life. Wireless connection data—and only wireless connection data—is collected at intervals you control and displayed within 7SIGNAL’s secure, cloud-based platform.

Flexible for the future
Our platform and device agnostic modules offer flexibility in deployment across all industry-standard wireless access points and endpoint devices running Windows, macOS and Android—allowing for easy integration with current and future systems.