A Large University Medical Center Uses 7SIGNAL to Strengthen Wireless IoT Connections
Medical facilities depend on strong, consistent connections to maintain a high level of care. 7SIGNAL helps network managers and their organizations achieve this standard with easy-to-deploy software.
Key takeaways:
- A large East Coast university medical center was dealing with unreliable Internet of Things (IoT) connections and no visibility into root causes.
- 7SIGNAL deployed Mobile Eye® and Sapphire Eye® to assess these issues and enable real solutions.
- Common challenges medical facilities face include imprecise identification of WLAN problems ranging from interference to device congestion to inadequate network design.
A large university-affiliated medical facility on the East Coast—named one of the top 100 hospitals in the US—depends on Wi-Fi to power mission-critical healthcare applications and endpoints. But providers started experiencing unreliable connections, and their existing IT resources couldn’t determine the root causes of many issues.
To meet these challenges, the network team deployed 7SIGNAL’s Mobile Eye® and Sapphire Eye® throughout the facility. The WLAN and how individual clients experience it are now monitored 24/7, enabling properly diagnosed issues and the consistent device performance required to maintain quality care.
Common Wi-Fi challenges for medical facilities
Wi-Fi network- and device-level visibility is a growing need for large organizations like university medical centers. When there is little or imprecise knowledge of exactly what’s causing end-user complaints and slowdowns or drops in service, the actual problem can’t be solved. Only uncovering the precise reasons for impaired connectivity enables IT staff to keep crucial medical equipment functioning consistently.
Tracking how a client experiences the Wi-Fi moment to moment provides invaluable data about what happens when a user moves within the coverage area, which applications are having trouble, and various network or structural factors that may be causing issues. These insights point to whether a problem involves sources of interference, poorly configured APs, misconfigured or consumer-grade clients, application issues, and many more potential factors.
In addition, inadequate network design and upgrades, especially as more new devices enter the network, can impair coverage and performance. WLAN architects and managers must account for every space that requires access and adapt to changing client and application needs.
Today’s WLAN environments are not static, and their constant evolution requires constant visibility into how clients are experiencing connections. Medical facilities must adapt to common healthcare WLAN issues to maintain mission-critical applications and a high standard of care.
7SIGNAL helps sustain mission-critical Wi-Fi
7SIGNAL’s wireless experience monitoring platform helps medical facilities uncover the root causes of WLAN issues. Our sensors—the Mobile Eye and Sapphire Eye—are deployed on devices and/or within the facility to monitor how end-users experience service in real-time.
7SIGNAL’s cloud-based platform provides unlimited scalability and access from any location or device. Our solutions monitor RF interference, connection rates, signal strength, and over 600 other KPIs that allow network managers to maintain and improve performance, no matter what goes wrong.
Try out this quick online assessment from IDC to see the possible value of wireless network monitoring. It estimates the ROI that 7SIGNAL’s Mobile Eye could achieve for your organization.
7SIGNAL® is the leader in wireless experience monitoring, providing insight into wireless networks and control over Wi-Fi performance so businesses and organizations can thrive. Our cloud-based wireless network monitoring platform continually tests and measures Wi-Fi performance at the edges of the network, enabling fast solutions to digital experience issues and stronger connections for mission-critical users, devices, and applications. Learn more at